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For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21 NIV)
College football season is in full swing! Before the season even began, local news eagerly reported that
season tickets for University of Kentucky football games were sold out. This came as no surprise to the
many devoted college football fans. As often happens, the phrase “sold out” caught my attention, and
the Holy Spirit prompted me to reflect on its deeper meaning.
The English expression, “sold out,” means giving everything you have for something or someone. In the
world of commerce, when a product is sold out (like the football game tickets), it’s completely gone,
with no remaining stock for sale. In our walk with Christ, being sold out for Jesus means giving Him our
all – holding nothing back, surrendering completely to His will, and living fully for His purpose. In other
words, no part of us is left to be sold off to the worldly affairs of this life.
With this knowledge in tow, my question to you is, are you sold out for Jesus? Jesus describes this “sold
out life” in His words to His disciples: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and
take up their cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). A denying of self is another way of saying one is
“sold out” for Jesus -- laying down our desires, ambitions, and even our lives, if necessary, to follow Him.
In Matthew 19, when Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell his possessions, give to the poor, and follow
Him, the man went away sorrowful because he had great wealth. He wanted the benefits of following
Jesus but wasn’t willing to sell out – he kept something back for himself.
What does it look like to be sold out for Jesus? Isn’t it about loving God with everything – our heart, soul
mind and strength (Mark 12:30)? Isn’t it about seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness
(Matthew 6:33)? Isn’t it about making Him the top priority in every decision, conversation and action?
Isn’t it about trusting Him even when we don’t understand, giving sacrificially and living a life of service,
just as Jesus did? Philippians 3:8 reflects Paul’s sold-out mentality: I consider everything a loss because
of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.
Being sold out for Jesus means there’s no plan B, no fallback option. Our lives are fully devoted to Christ,
trusting that in giving Him everything, we gain far more than we could ever lose. Have you counted the
cost and accepted the challenge (and the joy) of being sold out for Jesus?
By George Donkor
George and his wife, Christiana, are proud parents of Annajoy and Elijah. George and his family love
serving Jesus together and showing Him to the world around them.
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