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This week we’re looking into John, Chapter 6 with our focus today being on John 6:5-11.
In this passage, which took place at the time of the Passover, we read that the crowds had been following Jesus from place to place as He healed the sick. The Gospel of Mark (6:30-34) tells us the crowd had followed Jesus and the disciples as they withdrew to a solitary place for rest. Seeing the crowd, Jesus had compassion on them and began to teach them. As evening approached, the disciples suggested that Jesus should send the crowd away to find food and lodging. Jesus had another plan (Matthew 14:15-16). He instructed the disciples to feed the crowd, which sets the stage for the only miracle recorded in each of the four gospels.
Jesus asks Philip where they can buy bread for the crowd, and Philip responds with a practical common-sense answer: 200 denarii (200 days wages) will purchase only a little for each one. Aside from the cost, where were they going to find food for 5000 -- not counting the women and children? Andrew reports there is a young boy with five loaves and two fishes, but what is that in the face of such a crowd?
Jesus had questioned Philip as a test, knowing what He was about to do; and Philip had whiffed on the answer. The only answer here was to recognize the task was impossible with them, but possible with Jesus. How often, under the cover of being practical, do we frustrate the work of God in our lives and miss His blessing? May we be people who get our eyes off our limitations and focus on Him with whom all things are possible.
After instructing the disciples to have the men sit down, Jesus proceeds to bless the loaves, and give them to the disciples to distribute to the crowd. Likewise with the fish. We don’t know all the details of the miracle, but we do know the entire crowd ate till they were filled.
John tells us that Jesus questioned Philip, already knowing what He was going to do. Jesus involved the disciples in the distribution; but the work, the miracle, belonged solely to Jesus. When God chooses to use you, don’t be limited by what is impossible with you and remember that the work belongs to Him.
By Jesse Smith
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