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This week we’re looking into John, Chapter 6 with our focus today being on John 6:16-21.
After the crowd had been fed and the disciples had gathered the leftovers, Jesus perceived that the crowd was ready to take Him by force and make Him king (v. 15). In Matthew 14:22-23 and Mark 6:45-46, the writers tell us He compelled the disciples to get into the boat and go ahead of Him, while He dismissed the crowd and went again to the mountain to pray.
These were fishermen, familiar with the sea even at night. They had just witnessed a great miracle in a situation that was impossible for them. Now they are crossing back over the sea, a task entirely within their skill set; no miracle required here.
On this occasion a storm arises from the west, blowing against the boat. This is not the first storm these men have encountered on the sea (Matthew 8:25). These storms can be sudden and violent, turning the calm surface into a roaring cauldron. These men are following the command of the Lord, yet they are buffeted by a storm.
When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea, and Jesus was alone on land. He could see that the disciples were straining to row, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea... (Mark 6:47-48)
It was between 3 am and 6 am, during the fourth watch, and these experienced fishermen had not yet reached their destination. They had been rowing against the wind for hours but only made it halfway across the sea. And then Jesus, who had been watching them as they strained to row against the wind, came walking to them on the water. Don’t miss this: even amidst the storm, Jesus has not lost sight of you. If you are faithfully following Him, don’t give up or turn back in the face of the storm.
When you find yourself in the middle of a storm, remember these words from the “Eye of the Storm.”
In the eye of the storm
You remain in control And in the middle of the war
You guard my soul You alone are the anchor
When the sails are torn Your love surrounds me
In the eye of the storm
By Jesse Smith
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