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This week we’re visiting the 4th Reality of the Experiencing God study: God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His Ways.
We try to teach our kids manners, but there is one visitor in our home they are allowed to boss around, raise their voice towards, and even give repeated commands. This guest can be very helpful when she is around, but you have to get her attention and speak clearly. I am not too worried about these poor manners being shown to others because the guest I am referring to is Alexa, the artificial intelligence hiding in the small Amazon Echo devices.
Alexa and similar voice-activated technology allow us to do things previous generations never dreamed of. We can turn lights on and off with our words. By simply speaking, we can get a weather report, request our favorite song, set an alarm, or even get an answer to obscure trivia.
We know words have power apart from technology. Yet our words pale in comparison to God’s word. He speaks, and a universe is created out of nothing. He speaks, and the sea parts. He speaks, and a dead man comes to life. He speaks, and the lowly are lifted up. He speaks, and sinners change.
Would you love to hear these words? See them at work in your life? Feel them in your bones? Have them stored in your heart? Good news, you can. Listen to the words of Paul:
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work
(2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Don’t skip over the first seven words too fast. Scripture is breathed out by God so that when we read the Bible, we are hearing the words He spoke. Yes, He has used numerous prophets to speak these words, but they are His just the same. As Peter says,
For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit
(2 Peter 1:21).
God speaks through His word, the Bible. And these are not idle words, they are living and active (Hebrews 4:12). They teach us, correct us, and complete His work in us.
But there is a catch. You have to read them to hear them. You may be busy, intimidated, or not know where to start. That’s fine. The Holy Spirit will guide you. Set aside a few minutes today, and hear from God. If you need a place to start, go to Philippians.
By Philip Jones
Philip and his wife, Stacy, have been attending Immanuel since 2015. They are blessed to be raising four kids. His passion in ministry is to help others follow Jesus through teaching, preaching, and personal discipleship.
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