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If I were to ask you to describe a foot, what words would come to mind? Callous, stinky, dirty, or sweaty? How many people would describe a foot as “beautiful?” I don’t have extensive research, but I would put that number pretty low.
But read what Paul says in Romans 10:13-15:
For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on him in whom they
have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to
hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How
beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
It is obvious Paul is not talking about the physical appearance of feet but about the function of the feet of those who proclaim the gospel. It is a beautiful thing for an individual or family to go where the gospel is not known and invest their lives to share Jesus there. These are beautiful feet.
But notice the important role that is listed in this process. Paul asks rhetorically, “How are they to preach unless
they are sent?” Fulfilling Jesus’s mission involves everyone, not just those who physically GO. Without churches to support and send missionaries, the global missionary force would greatly decrease. So how can each of us
participate in this vital role of sending?
One, we can be faithful members of our church -- and that includes giving. Immanuel supports the Cooperative
Program of the Southern Baptist Convention. This is a unique way for like-minded churches to contribute to a
common fund that sends and supports mission activity all over the world. Through your regular giving, you are
participating in Jesus’ mission in North America and among all other nations.
Two, look for opportunities to connect with individual missionaries. This will allow you to encourage them directly,
hear prayer requests from them, and possibly even support them financially. By being involved in your local church, you will likely hear of missionary families you can reach out to.
Three, you can also give directly to missions organizations such as the International Mission Board and even local
missions such as the Lexington Rescue Mission.
One final note: the amount you are able to give does not matter. What matters is your faithful obedience to play your part in God’s mission to reach the nations with the gospel. If the feet of the goers are beautiful, I am willing the bet the hands of the senders are beautiful as well. So, send faithfully.
By Philip Jones
Philip and his wife, Stacy, have been attending Immanuel since 2015 and are blessed to be raising four kids. His
passion in ministry is to help others follow Jesus through teaching, preaching, and personal discipleship.
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