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When I first started pondering this series about God Seeing the Forgotten, a bunch of memories came rushing back into my memory bank – memories of times when I had been forgotten. I chose not to share them all lest you think I’m absolutely pathetic. But I did share one of being “forgotten at sea.” And now I want to revisit that memory.
When the little girl in the story (me) realized she had been forgotten, she was not scared. She put her head back down on the raft and imagined the boys and girls she’d meet when she arrived on the other side of that big body of water (the Gulf of Mexico). She was dreaming of playing with them and having fun together. You see, God hadn’t forgotten that little girl. He was protecting her from fear and giving her a vision of something wonderful – and when she was rescued, it actually wasn’t that big of a deal to her. In her mind, God had already taken care of her!
In Bible times, there were people who felt (and were) forgotten. That’s what compelled James, the brother of Jesus to write this:
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble… (James 1:27)
In our present times, there are still people who feel (and often are) forgotten: widows, orphans, single mothers, divorced fathers who no longer see their children, homeless people, disabled veterans, those with chronic illnesses, addicts, the mentally ill, families of prisoners, the elderly, unwanted or neglected children, caregivers, people that have never heard the Good News in their language – and I’m sure you can think of others.
Are you one of the forgotten? Please know that you are not forgotten – your Creator loves you, His faithful love endures forever (Psalm 136), He remembers you, He calls you by name, and He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). He has not forgotten you – and never will!
Or… are you the one doing the forgetting? Are there some people you just don’t think about at all – much less do something to help meet their need? Please give this some thought and pray with me this prayer:
Father, help me notice what’s going on around me. As I go about my day, help me be a noticer – seeing those who are hurting or feeling forgotten, discerning ways to respond, willingly giving my time, my words, and resources to value people. Help me be more spontaneous in valuing others, and let Your love shine through me. Amen
By Judy Shrout
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