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“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved…” (Acts 16:31)
This is a familiar Scripture to most Christians – it’s how Paul and Silas answered the jailer when he asked,
“What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30)
When we hear the word “believe,” we take it to mean that we accept something as true. For instance, I believe the facts of history that tell me that George Washington was the first President of the United States. Likewise, I believe that Jesus existed. There is ample documentation for the existence of both men. It’s not a stretch to believe either fact.
There are some who consider themselves “believers” because they believe Jesus existed. I hope it’s not a shock to your sensibilities, but that’s not what saved the jailer in the Acts account – and it’s not what will save you! He wouldn’t have been saved if he had merely agreed with Paul and Silas that Jesus existed.
But the word “believe” used in this passage of Scripture is much stronger and broader than just mere assent to the fact of Jesus’ existence. The Amplified version of this passage gives us a better understanding:
“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (give yourself up to Him, take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself into His keeping) and you will be saved . . .” (Acts 16:31 AMPC)
The believing that saves us is a believing that changes us – changes us from living according to our own plans and dreams to living the way God wants us to live, trusting in the saving grace provided through His Son, Jesus Christ. This kind of believing involves a surrender of yourself into the hands of the One who created you. Since He created you – and all the nuances that make you unique -- He knows the precise purpose for which you were created. So, if we want to live the best life possible, we would do well to entrust that life – and all the decisions that go along with living that life – into the hands and heart of the One who designed us.
If you’re reading this and realize that you have been a “fact-believer” rather than a fully surrendered believer, this would be a great day for you to join that jailer in Philippi and other true believers and invite Jesus to live in your heart and be Lord of your life. Let’s learn to live our lives beyond belief in mere facts, but with an unwavering belief in the One who saved us from our sins and who has an awesome plan for our lives.
By Judy Shrout
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