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Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and
bones, as you see I have (Luke 24:39).
In the heart of Luke 24:36-43, we find a moment of profound intimacy and revelation. The disciples,
huddled together in a room, are suddenly greeted by Jesus. But this is no ordinary meeting; it is a
powerful testament to the reality of the resurrection. Jesus stands before them, not as an untouchable
ghost, but in full humanity and divinity, inviting them to physically verify His presence.
This passage invites us to confront our own doubts and fears about the resurrection. Just as the disciples
struggled to believe, we too might find the concept of resurrection challenging to grasp. Yet, Jesus’
invitation to touch and see is also extended to us. Through the historical reality of His resurrection, the
testimony of the Scriptures, and the encounter we have with Him in our daily lives, we are invited to
experience the tangible truth of His victory over death.
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul asserts the stark implications of a scenario where Christ is not raised. Without
the resurrection, the entire structure of Christian belief crumbles. Our faith becomes an exercise in
futility, our preaching is in vain, and our hope for salvation is nullified. The resurrection is not just one
doctrine among many; it is the linchpin that secures our faith, ensuring that it is robust, vibrant, and
Jesus’ physical resurrection is central to our faith, offering not just proof of His divine nature, but also a
promise of our own resurrection. It reassures us that our faith is not based on abstract concepts but on
the historical, tangible reality of Jesus, who conquered death and invites us to share in His eternal life.
How does the reality of Jesus’ physical resurrection impact your understanding of your own faith and
the promises of eternal life? In what ways do you seek and recognize the tangible presence of Jesus in
your life? Are there areas of doubt or fear where you need to invite Him to say, “Touch me and see”?
The encounter between the risen Jesus and His disciples reminds us that our faith is grounded in
something wonderfully real. Jesus’ invitation to touch and see transcends time, reaching out to us today,
urging us to believe not only with our hearts but with our senses and intellect as well. As we reflect on
this passage, let us embrace the tangible truth of the resurrection, allowing it to deepen our faith and
transform our lives in the most practical and profound ways.
By Jim Connell
Jim is the Founder and retired director of Lexington Rescue Mission and author of
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