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“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you
will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames
will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” (Isaiah 43:2-3
The Chicago Sun-Times publishes a daily “Dear Abby” advice column, which clearly shows that people
are dealing with all types of hurt and brokenness. Sesame Street has its own funnier version of “Dear
Abby” called “Dear Crabby.” As Muppet Wiki explains, Dear Crabby is a “famous dispenser of Grouch
advice” and author of a fictional “worst-selling” book titled “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About
Grouches, But Were Afraid to Ask Because Grouches Don’t Like to Answer Questions” – a book I’ve never
read, but probably could have authored!
So, what do we do with all the brokenness and hurt we experience? It is a part of the human condition
to focus on what is right in front of us. This goes for both the good times and the not-so-good times.
Scripture points us to look beyond the temporary and to set our sights on a greater glory that believers
in Jesus will one-day experience.
We all fail at this at times. I wish I had a one-line answer on how to deal with pain, grief, anxiety,
despair, or whatever becomes our personal valley – not just the day-to-day worries, but the deeper kind
we all go through at some point.
It’s no secret that we will all walk through troubles and brokenness (John 16:33); Jesus was
straightforward about that. Although we read this passage (sometimes repeatedly), we may find it
difficult to accept it fully. That’s where the power of faith comes in; it is the one thing that will draw us
closer to the Father and give us a more meaningful understanding of His love.
Whatever you are going through in this moment, God will never abandon you. Even though there are
times that feel cold and lonely, God is ever-present in the here and now. God reminds the Israelites,
“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you” (Isaiah 43:2).
What are the “deep waters” you are going through today? I encourage you to read the full passage this
week and meditate over why God chose to remind the Israelites of His faithfulness in the deep waters,
rivers of difficulties, and the fire of oppression. I would suspect it is the same reassurance He wants to
give you today. In the hardest times, let’s look back, and see that His presence was with us the whole
By Ryan Pearl
Ryan and his wife, Susie, are community leaders at IBC's Georgetown campus and volunteer in the
nursery. Their four kids are blessed by IBC Georgetown's children's ministry and enjoy finding ways to
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