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The Jewish leaders had good reason to have Jesus’ body taken down from the cross before sundown on Friday. The next day was the Passover Sabbath, the holiest day of all the Jewish calendar. They surely wanted to eliminate the attention that would otherwise be focused on Jesus Christ.
The Jewish leaders were also acutely aware that Jesus had predicted He would be raised on the third day, so they took extra precautions to guard against that possibility. They didn’t believe He would rise from the dead, but they were afraid His disciples might take the body to keep the movement going. So, they asked Pilate to command that the grave be made secure until the third day.
In accordance with God’s plan, Pilate agreed to give them the security over the grave that they requested. The Roman guards were then assigned to ensure that nothing would disturb the grave until the third day. The guards knew that failure to do so could cost them their lives.
After Jesus had risen, an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled back the stone and sat on it. This caused a violent earthquake and struck such fear in the guards that they shook and became like dead men. (The stone was moved to let the eyewitnesses in, not to let Jesus out.)
As the women left the tomb on Easter morning, some of the guards reported to the chief priests everything that had happened. Then the chief priests met with the elders and devised a plan to explain why the body was missing. Rather than admitting that Jesus had risen, they bribed the guards to lie by saying “His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were sleeping” (Matthew 28:13).
The guards would have naturally been fearful of what the governor would do to them if he heard that they had failed to carry out their duty. So, the chief priests assured the guards that if the governor ever heard about it, they would cover for the guards and satisfy the governor.
There are three convincing proofs of the resurrection that the enemies of Christ unwittingly provide.
First, the disciples weren’t expecting Jesus to be literally raised. And rather than planning such a bold move to take the body, they were hiding in fear that the authorities would be coming after them next. Secondly, it wasn’t possible for the disciples to steal the body with all the security that had been in place to prevent this from happening. Thirdly, the lie being told by the guards assumes the impossible -- that the guards knew that Jesus’ disciples stole His body while they were all asleep.
By Jim Connell
Jim is the founder and retired director of the Lexington Rescue Mission and author of
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