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Some people seem to think I’m old, so they send me emails of interest to folks “of a certain age.” One arrived that did give me pause as I was pondering this week’s parable. The title of the email was “Anosognosia – what is that?” As it turns out, it’s a real word with this definition: Anosognosia is a condition in which a person with a disability is cognitively unaware of having it due to an underlying physical or psychological condition.
For instance, someone with advanced Alzheimer’s probably isn’t aware of their mental decline – and isn’t particularly bothered by it – although it is quite disturbing to family members. The email I received was supposed to be encouraging in that if you are aware that you forgot where you put your keys, your cellphone, your sunglasses, your homework, or whatever, you probably don’t have Alzheimer’s.
Please don’t roll your eyes – I’m getting to the point. I believe the Pharisee in our parable had the spiritual version of anosognosia. He was cognitively unaware of having the spiritual disease we call pride. And when someone is unaware they have a spiritual disease, they aren’t looking for a spiritual solution.
Just as you don’t go to the doctor for medicine when you’re healthy, so the Pharisee didn’t turn to Jesus because he considered himself superbly healthy spiritually.
Could this possibly be the reason some of those we love are uninterested in hearing about Jesus? Could they have this spiritual condition? It’s hard to share the solution with someone who hasn’t figured out there’s a problem!
We know Jesus is the answer – but why are people not asking the question? Maybe our loved ones are quietly or unconsciously asking the question “Why do I need Jesus?” Are we ready to tell them the truth with a spirit of grace?
Or perhaps we need to ask the question ourselves, “Why do I need Jesus?” Perhaps our challenge today is to reflect on why WE need Jesus; and as we are fully aware of our own need for Him and for His perfect provision, maybe we’ll be better prepared to share the Way, the Truth, and the Life with others.
By Judy Shrout
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