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In Genesis 28, we find Jacob on the run, fleeing from his brother Esau whom he had cheated
out of his birthright. Exhausted and alone, and unsure of what lay ahead, Jacob stopped in a
desolate place for the night where he used a stone for his pillow. It was here, in his vulnerability
and uncertainty, that God met him. While Jacob slept, he dreamed of a ladder reaching from
earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending, and God standing at the top. In this
moment, God reaffirmed the covenant He had made with Abraham and Isaac, promising Jacob
land, descendants, and that all nations would be blessed through him. God also spoke directly
to Jacob, assuring him of His presence and protection wherever he went.
When Jacob awoke, he was filled with awe, realizing that this seemingly ordinary place was holy
ground. He named it Bethel, meaning “House of God,” and set up the stone as a memorial of
God’s presence and promises. Jacob’s response was worship and commitment. He
acknowledged God’s faithfulness and vowed to honor Him as Lord. What began as an ordinary,
even uncomfortable, stop along his journey became a life-changing encounter with the living
Like Jacob, we often find ourselves in moments of uncertainty or desperation, wondering how
God will lead us forward. Yet it is often in these very places that God reveals Himself to us,
reminding us of His faithfulness and purpose for our lives. Bethel became a marker in Jacob’s
journey, a reminder of God’s presence and promises. In the same way, God gives us “Bethel
moments”—times when His presence is undeniable, and His promises feel personal and real.
These moments remind us that He is always with us, even in the most unexpected places.
Take time to reflect on your own journey. Where has God met you and marked your life with His
faithfulness? These markers serve as reminders to trust Him, worship Him, and move forward in
faith, knowing that His promises are sure. God is with you, just as He was with Jacob, and He
will guide you every step of the way.
By Paky Kramer
All Rights Reserved | Immanuel Baptist Church