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Are there some things you don’t quite understand? I’m still amazed that I can flip a switch, and
light appears in the darkness. I’m still amazed that an airplane filled with people can float
through the air! I’m still amazed that I can text someone, and my words appear on their phone in
mere seconds. I don’t quite understand, but I still flip switches, fly in airplanes, and text friends. I
am aware that experts could explain all that to me in technical terms – but I still don’t think I
would quite understand.
Hold that thought as we look in on Mary who has just been told she’s going to have a baby:
Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin and have no intimacy with
any man?” (Luke 1:34)
Young Mary is basically telling the angel, “I don’t quite understand.” She had probably been
around other young women in her family or in the village of Nazareth who were married and had
babies – she was fully aware of the biological situation. But she didn’t quite understand how a
pregnancy could occur without the biology part.
Gabriel understood the heart of this young woman – he knew her heart was not filled with doubt
(as Zechariah’s was when he was told he and his wife would have a baby in their twilight years)
– he knew she just didn’t quite understand, so he said these words of explanation to her:
“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow
you [like a cloud]; for that reason the holy (pure, sinless) child shall be called the Son of
God.” (Luke 1:35 Amp)
Then Gabriel proceeded to tell her that her formerly barren relative (Elizabeth, the one in her
twilight years) was also going to have a son – another bit of news that would have been hard for
Mary to wrap her mind around. And then… the angel said these important words: “For with
God nothing [is or ever] shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37 Amp).
The angel no doubt knew that the explanation he had given Mary had no precedent – nothing
like that had ever happened – ever! I think perhaps that’s why he explained to her – probably
clearly and distinctly articulating the words - that our God is the God of the impossible – letting
that statement float down over her like a soft blanket.
When we don’t quite understand God’s ways, let’s open our hearts to Him and admit that we
don’t quite understand. Let’s ask Him to help us entrust Him with the impossible situations of
life. We believers call that “faith!”
By Judy Shrout
Your Daily Missions Moment:
What are your plans for 2025. Consider going on mission with us. We will have a 2025 Missions Preview on Sunday, January 19 at 12:15 p.m. in the Sending Center.We will be giving out information about our 2025 mission trips as well as ways you can be involved in local missions.
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