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For I have no one like him… how as a son with a father… he has served with me in the gospel… (Philippians 2:20, 22)
As we wrap up this week, I want you to look back at verses 20 and 22 for just a second. Did you catch that little word “with?” Listen to what Paul is NOT saying. Paul is NOT saying with regards to Timothy
how as a son with a father…he has SERVED ME in the gospel. That’s NOT it at all. Paul IS saying
how as a son with a father… he has served WITH me in the gospel. Did you catch it?
So much bad parenting, so much bad leadership, and so much poor mentoring stem from a desire from parents, leaders, or mentors to BE SERVED by those beneath them. Not once did I ever get the impression that my parents or my mentor, Max (whom I mentioned yesterday), wanted anything FROM me. However, I’ve always known that they’ve wanted all kinds of things FOR me, because I would hear them pray those things OVER me. Yesterday I made the case from Scripture that everyone needs a Paul. Today, we look at the other side of that equation and discover that everyone also needs a Timothy. After all, the last thing that Jesus said to his disciples was
“Go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). That command was not given to super-saints or to those specifically called to vocational ministry. That call was to anyone who called upon Jesus as Lord.
So… how is that “make disciples” mandate going for you? Who is your Timothy? For parents, the biblical mandate to make disciples begins at home. We are commanded in Deuteronomy 6:6-9 to make discipleship a PRIORITY in our homes. Again, NOT so that our children can serve us, but so that our children can grow into young men and women who serve WITH us in our various Christian callings. As you may know, Pastor Ron has a passion for Faith and Work. It could be that your Timothy is in your office, or in your classroom, or someone that you call on for business from time to time. If you already have a Timothy that you are invested in, call them today and remind them of what a joy it is to serve WITH them in the gospel. If you are currently without a Timothy begin asking the Lord to place someone in your path to invest in. That is a prayer Jesus loves to answer!
By Jimmy Carter
Jimmy serves as the Ministries Pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church. He is married to Carrie, his treasured wife of 24 years, and they have one beloved daughter named Christy Ann “C.A.” who is a Senior at LCA and will attend UK and play golf for the Wildcats next Fall.
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