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I don’t think we give the wise men enough credit for sticking with their search for Jesus. As previously stated, it likely took them at least 40 days to get to Jerusalem. The birth of Jesus was a big deal to them, so imagine their surprise when nobody in Jerusalem seemed to care. Notice how Matthew records their arrival: Wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who is born king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:1b-2a) There was no celebration, no buzz on the streets. From what we can tell, nobody knew what they were talking about, including King Herod.
It must have seemed anticlimactic when they were sent to the small town of Bethlehem. Did they consider going back home? Did they follow the wrong star? Was this all just a waste of time? Whatever went through their mind, I understand their response in Matthew 2:10:
When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.
They didn’t expect a trip to Bethlehem to find the King of the Jews. We don’t know the details of the home of Mary and Joseph, but we can safely assume it wasn’t a normal place for royalty. Yet in this unexpected place, the wise men fell down and worshiped Jesus when they saw Him (Matthew 2:11).
From our perspective, the unexpected describes Jesus’s life and ministry in many ways. He was born in an unexpected place. He was raised in a foreign land, unexpectedly. He called the unexpected to be His followers. He ministered and taught with unexpected methods. And most of all, He brought salvation in a very unexpected way.
Many expected the Messiah to be an earthly hero to overthrow foreign rulers. If death was to be involved, the Messiah would be on the delivering end. For the Messiah to eventually die on a cross, that was unexpected.
But that is exactly what happened. Jesus lived the perfect life just as His Father expected Him to do. He established God’s kingdom, taught God’s truth, displayed God’s grace, and fulfilled God’s law. And unexpectedly to us, but part of God’s plan, He died a sinner’s death. He bore our sins. He was buried. Then on the third day He did something none of us would have expected: He rose from the grave.
God’s salvation story is full of the unexpected. He works in unexpected ways in our lives, ways we often can’t imagine. So, this Christmas season, in the midst of your full calendar, take a few moments to reflect upon God’s unexpected grace in your life. As you do, consider ways to show that grace to others. They likely won’t be expecting it either.
By Philip Jones
Philip and his wife, Stacy, have been attending Immanuel since 2015. They are blessed to be raising four kids. His passion in ministry is to help others follow Jesus through teaching, preaching, and personal discipleship.
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