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I am writing tonight by candlelight in a chilly home that is going into day four without power – after a windstorm that has utility workers frantically trying to restore power to their customers.
This situation had me reflecting on times when weather forecasters predicted snow, and so many people make a frantic dash to the grocery to stock up on toilet paper, milk, eggs, and bread – even though the snow would probably melt away the moment the sun reappeared. Well, I guess we want to be prepared – in case the predicted flurries become a blizzard.
Isn’t it interesting (and convicting) that there is something else we know is going to happen, something so important that EVERYONE will bow down and worship -- Someone is coming – yet we are not quite so eager and intentional in preparing for that day?
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Mark 13:32)
Yes, we believers KNOW that Jesus is coming back – although we don’t know exactly when. Are we preparing for that day with the same energy that future “snowed-upons” employ in clearing out the grocery shelves? Are we trying to help unbelievers avoid their worst-case scenario?
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ who is the image of God. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Thinking of THAT day, we don’t want to imagine our loved ones trying to hide under rocks to avoid the awesome Presence of the King of kings and Lord of lords! At some point, it will be too late. What can we do to help our unbelieving friends and family members see the light of the gospel? The evil one of this age has blinded them to the truth.
We can’t change their hearts, but we can certainly shed light on the path. We know that, for believers, God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path (Psalm 119:105). So… perhaps we need to gently and joyfully share the truth of the Gospel and light up the dark paths of our world – as we fervently pray for God’s Holy Spirit to draw them to Him.
Our Spiritual weather forecasters report with certainty that Jesus is coming back. Are you prepared? Are you lighting up the darkness so others will be prepared too?
By Judy Shrout
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