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Almost everyone has heard of the Titanic, but are you familiar with the Eastland, another large ship with a tragic end? After the Titanic sunk, all ships were required to carry enough lifeboats for everyone on board. The owners of the Eastland decided to add more lifeboats so they could carry more passengers. With this additional weight, the ship became top-heavy and unstable. Though other things contributed, the owners’ decision to increase capacity and lifeboats was the last straw. On July 24th, 1915, more than 800 people died when this ship turned over. The owners’ actions had unintended consequences that harmed others.
Paul tells us about an unintended consequence of our sin, specifically sins that lead to disunity. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger, and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Eph. 4:30-32)
It’s easy to think sins such as bitterness, wrath, and anger only impact us or those who deserve such a response. But that is not the case as the Holy Spirit is grieved by such things. Jesus died to bring unity to God’s people (Ephesians 2:11-22), so we are actively working against His purpose when we bite and bark at each other. This does not please God.
Though this should bring conviction if we are guilty of such sins, let’s not be motivated by guilt. Paul ends this section by calling us to forgive one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Forgiveness often captures how unified people are. If you can forgive, you are likely in a healthy relationship. But forgiveness isn’t easy, which is why we need a motivation the size of God’s grace to us.
When we put on forgiveness, we are walking in the new self -- the new self Jesus died to create. This new self has been sealed by the Holy Spirit for the day of redemption. When we set our hearts on these grace-filled truths, the Spirit empowers us to walk in forgiveness instead of bitterness.
Are you holding a grudge or seeking revenge? If so, take a few minutes to meditate on the forgiveness you have in Jesus. He has purchased your salvation. He has sealed you by the Spirit. He has promised to uphold you. So let go of all bitterness and wrath and slander. Walk in the forgiveness of Jesus; it is one of the intentional consequences He has for you.
By Philip Jones
Philip and his wife Stacy have been attending Immanuel since 2015. They are blessed to be raising four kids. His passion in ministry is to help others follow Jesus through teaching, preaching, and personal discipleship.
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