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“And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” (Matthew 6:27 ESV)
As the simpler days of summer come to a close, we also welcome a season filled with lots of
newness and change. We exchange vacation days and lazy evenings on the porch for the
busier school schedules, work commutes, sports practices, and games. And while some of
these things can be fun and exciting, they can also be filled with “unknowns.” If we’re honest,
most of us prefer to know what’s coming next. We like to have a plan. We want to make sure we
will have what we need.
One afternoon, when our kids were young, my husband decided to take the three of them out to
do something special. Yet, one of the girls wasn’t so sure about that plan. She wanted to know
where they would be going and how long they would be gone. My husband told her it was a
surprise but assured her it would be fun. She wasn’t convinced and decided to stay home
instead. She was so worried about whether or not she would like the surprise that she didn’t
want to take that chance. She was disappointed when her brother and sister came home talking
about their time spent bouncing around at a trampoline park and getting a treat. Her worry and
fear of the unknown had kept her from enjoying the special day her loving daddy had planned
for her.
Similarly, when we feel anxious about what we don’t yet know or understand, are we not also
displaying a lack of trust in our Father’s care and love for us? Scripture reminds us and proves
to us that the Lord is always faithful (Lam. 3:22-23), just (Deut. 32:4), good (James 1:17), loving
(Psalm 86:15), all-knowing (Isaiah 40:28), and sovereign over all things (Psalm 33:11).
We can trust Him! He invites us to come to Him with all our worries and anxieties because He
cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). We know that in this world we will have trouble, but we can take heart
– He has already overcome it (John 16:33)! And when we come to Him in prayer with a thankful
heart, He promises to give us His perfect peace that is beyond our understanding (Phil. 4:7).
What fears and anxieties do you need to place in the hands of your loving Heavenly Father
By Jessica Fox
Jessica is an early childhood teacher and pastor’s wife. She and her husband, Travis, have
been married for 23 years and attend IBC at Armstrong Mill with their children, Kaleb, Journey,
and Sadie.
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