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“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.” (Matthew 22:37-38)
Relationships. Am I right? They can be tough, y’all.
I’m not just talking about marriage or romantic relationships. I’m talking about ALL relationships. Friends, family, co-workers, … fellow church members (I had to throw this one in), all relationships aren’t easy all the time. We walk around exhausted and overwhelmed; and as the days go by, we can miss connecting with those real people around us.
Recently we announced we were going to move to Cincinnati, OH. An amazing job offer made its way to my husband’s email, and we are off on a new adventure. Y’all, we are excited, overwhelmed, perfectly ready to go, and nervous all at the same time. The good news we continue to lean into is that we aren’t that far away, and our friends are our friends.
We understand the relationships we have invested in during the last 24 years in Lexington - those people we gave attention, energy, and love -- will continue. Technology offers a variety of ways to stay connected. I’m so thankful for this! While it isn’t going to be exactly the same, those loving relationships will continue with a bit of work and intention.
Calls will have to be dialed, text messages sent, social media platforms followed, and whatever else it will take to keep the relationship strong. The peace comes from the relationship that also takes a bit of intention… our relationship with God. He is already there preparing a place for us to serve, people to love, and for our area of influence to grow.
This is such a sweet reminder for me during this season of transition. Not only does God pursue us and love us, but He also continues to do so. Minute by minute He reminds Himself and us that He loves us. It’s not transactional or one and done. It doesn’t matter where we live or where we work… it’s how we are intentional about continuing the relationship with Him.
How can you give testimony today about His continuing love for you today?
By Carrie Peterson
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