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Several years ago, I started keeping a Blessings Journal – my plan was to write down one blessing a day –
just as a reminder that I am blessed. At first, I did just that – one a day, like a vitamin. But then I got on a
roll and started noticing blessings everywhere! My heart was full, and my mind was blessings-centered.
How blessed we are in Christ! Today let’s add two more spiritual blessings to our journal:
9. Do you realize that your faith in Christ is a spiritual blessing? (Ephesians 1:15) When all around you
people are falling to pieces in our upside-down world, the believer’s faith can stand firm – because we
have faith in the One who holds the whole world in the palm of His hand. When shocking things happen,
our hearts may race for a moment; but if we breathe in His Holy Spirit, we can in time (not always
immediately) settle our own spirit by faith.
Are you making good use of the faith that has been given to you? Are you exercising your faith? Are you
demonstrating your faith? Are you sharing your faith? Let’s honor God by being grateful for the gift of
faith and implementing faith-strengthening priorities in this new year.
10. Have you considered the fact that “knowing God” is a spiritual blessing? (Ephesians 1:17) Even
believers seem to forget that God WANTS us to know Him – through time with Him in prayer, in His
Word, and in community with other believers. In fact, knowing God is such an important blessing that
He left us this word of wisdom:
“Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
Let not the mighty man glory in his might,
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
But let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight,” says the Lord. (Jeremiah 9:23)
According to this passage, NOTHING is more important than knowing God! Being wise, being strong,
being rich – nothing is more important than this one thing. Is knowing God – or knowing Him better -
your priority this year?
Father, thank you for the spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ Jesus. I love that these two spiritual
blessings complement each other – without the blessing of faith, we would never know You; and without
the blessing of knowing You, we would never have a faith that grows. Thank You for this time to reflect
on You and the blessings that continue to pour from Your heart into ours. Amen.
By Judy Shrout
Judy is the wife of Tom, mother of Heather, mother-in-law of Jim, grandmom to T.J., Ainsley, and
Maggie, and grandmother-in-law to Piper.
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