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Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine... (Philippians 3:17 NLT)
When I first read these words, I was struck by the thought that Paul had so much confidence in himself that he felt his life was worth imitating. To be honest, I thought it a tad arrogant! After all, there is only One who is perfect – and perfectly worth imitating.
But then, John MacArthur opened my heart to a better understanding of what Paul was saying: Since all believers are imperfect, they need examples of less imperfect people who know how to deal with imperfection and who can model the process of pursuing the goal of Christlikeness. Paul was that model… Had he been perfect, Paul would not have been an example believers could follow. We need to follow someone who is not perfect so we can see how to overcome our imperfections; someone who can show us how to handle the struggles of life, its disappointments, and its trials; someone who can show us how to handle pride, resist temptation, and put sin to death. Christ is the perfect standard, model, and pattern for believers to emulate. But Christ never pursued perfection; He has always been perfect. Paul was a fellow traveler on the path toward the unattainable spiritual perfection, and thus a model for believers to follow.
Without someone like Paul to show us how to pick ourselves up from our imperfections and move on in victory, we might be consumed by our failures and our guilt – too numb to be useful for God’s Kingdom. Paul told us to forget what is behind (those sins God has already forgiven) and press on in pursuit of Christlikeness.
There are lessons to be learned in our failures – which sadly remind us of our humanity, but also remind us that we need the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Are we willing to learn the lessons inherent in our failures?
Paul certainly had lessons to learn – like ditching his pride and his graceless religion. Yet he didn’t let guilt consume him – he believed this truth: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). He put those days behind and chose to live his life in gratitude for God’s abundant grace.
Now that’s a model worth following!
By Judy Shrout
Judy’s life has taken a winding path of service in the church that led to her writing of devotions – for such
a time as this.
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