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This week we’re starting the Christmas season in Matthew.
Let’s do a little Shakespeare. In Romeo and Juliet, the title characters are in love but are not
supposed to be together because their families are feuding. Juliet was lamenting this fact and
broke out this iconic observation: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other
name would smell as sweet.”
I’ll let you literary experts out there correct me if I’m wrong, but Juliet was saying that a rose
would smell good no matter what we call it. Similarly, she would love Romeo regardless of his
family name, so who cares that he happened to be from a rival family? (I didn’t read all the way
to the end, but I’m sure those two crazy kids lived happily ever after.)
When we were expecting our daughter, our young son became inspired and began making
baby name suggestions in volume. We still have the list written down somewhere. A few were
common names, but many not only weren’t names, but weren’t even objects. My personal
favorites were Jeffany, Liggett, Leaney, and Gigature. We respectfully went in another direction.
New parents choose names based on things like their meaning, family history, in honor of
somebody special to them, or maybe there’s just a name they’ve always liked. Whatever the
motivation, it’s not a frivolous decision.
But after he had considered these things, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to him
in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife,
because what has been conceived in her is by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son,
and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”
(Matthew 1:20-21 HCSB)
There’s some Hebrew and Greek background that I can’t fully follow, but I know the name Jesus
means “The Lord saves” so the name makes sense for somebody who will save people from
their sins. But our friend Juliet might argue that Who He is matters much more than what name
we call Him. Would the perfect, spotless, Son of God, punished for our sins and defeater of
death, be any less worthy of worship if God had chosen to name Him something else? I don’t
think so.
But that’s just a theoretical discussion. The angel of the Lord had already declared His name
would be Jesus, because The Lord Saves indeed.
It was not a frivolous decision. Merry Christmas.
By Mark Stuart
Mark is the husband of Laura, father of Shelby and Jacob, and father-in-law of Bailey.
Your Daily Missions Moment:
There is a way you can make a difference in our Fayette County Public Schools. Join the 4KIds team. For one hour a week you can serve as a mentor for this Leadership program being taught in our public schools. They are starting a new program at Lansdowne Elementary and we need 15 volunteers to help make this happen. Go to or contact Jeff Story:, 859-685-3215
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