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The colors of the Advent wreath connect the wonder of Christmas to the miracle of Easter.
Purple colors were used by early Christians to commemorate the royalty of Christ during the weeks
leading up to His crucifixion during Lent. Midway through Lent, they took a pause from fasting and
remembered that there was great joy that would be celebrated due to the suffering of Christ. During
this week, they feasted and utilized the color of pink or rose to commemorate the joy of Easter.
When the Church began a shorter season of remembrance leading up to Christmas, they used the same
colors of Lent. An advent features three colors of candles. Purple candles are used for the weeks of
hope, love and peace; a pink candle represents joy is in the middle of advent; and the Christ candle
placed in the center piece is white.
One doesn’t need to know the history of Advent, however, to realize that there is something unique
about joy that sets it apart from hope, love and peace. It just makes sense that joy is the lightest of all
candles except the Christ candle.
Take a minute to really, really define joy.
Joy encompasses peace, hope and love. There is something uniquely pure about joy that when we
experience it makes us lose our inhibitions and experience the life that Jesus talks about in John 10:10.
Joy is light. Joy is life. There’s something about joy that is a shot of adrenaline to the soul.
People long for joy. We can find temporary joy in certain special events. However, that joy doesn’t last.
So, people pursue happiness and escape in an attempt to feel joy.
The first time joy is mentioned in the New Testament, it is in reference to the birth of Jesus: The star
which they (the Magi) had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the
young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy (Matthew 2:9-10).
Jesus is Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:23). Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12). Jesus is the
bread of life that keeps us from being hungry (John 6:35). Jesus is the way, the truth, the life (John 14:6).
It is Jesus who came to give us abundant life (John 10:10).
The deep, abiding joy for which we long is found in Jesus.
Look for the color of pink today and when you see it, think about the joy that Jesus brings.
By LaRaine Rice
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