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Scripture has a lot to say about the work of the Holy Spirit. He is characterized throughout the Bible as
an active force with incredible power. In Genesis, He is described as the incredible power behind the act
of God speaking the world into existence. In Acts, He is described as a burning flame igniting the hearts
and emboldening the early church to live out their faith. While the power of the Holy Spirit is on display
in full force in these passages, there is another facet to the Spirit, one which is more personal and
intimate as he works as our intercessor, advocating for us on a deep and personal level.
In Romans 8:12-17, Paul highlights three important and very personal works of the Holy Spirit as He
helps us in our everyday lives.
The first thing Paul mentions is that the Holy Spirit empowers us to live righteously (8:13). Here we see
that the Holy Spirit empowers believers to live in accordance with God's will. By relying on the Spirit,
believers can overcome the desires of the flesh and lead lives characterized by righteousness. In fact - it
is only through the work of the Spirit that we can have victory over sin.
Secondly, the Holy Spirit is involved the work of adoption as children of God. Through the work of the
Holy Spirit, believers are adopted into the family of God (8:14-15). This adoption signifies a close and
intimate relationship with God, marked by the freedom and privilege of calling Him "Abba, Father." The
work of the Spirit here is to allow us to come before God as a little child would come to their father with
the comfort of knowing his unconditional love for them no matter the situation.
Thirdly, the Holy Spirit provides assurance to believers regarding their salvation and their identity as
children of God (8:16). This inner testimony of the Spirit provides believers with confidence and
assurance in their relationship with God. Satan loves to cast doubt in our minds as to our worthiness of
God’s acceptance. This work of the Spirit in these situations is to remind us of our secure position with
God, not because of what we have done, but because of what Christ has done for us.
Through the work of the Spirit, believers can live victoriously over the flesh, commune with God in a
closer relationship, and have complete assurance of their position in Christ. If you struggle in any of
these areas, ask for His help today and trust that He will not fail you.
By Paky Kramer
Paky leads APM Paving and has been at IBC since he was 9 years old. He and his wife, Traci, have been
married for 25 years and have two children, Caroline and Carver. He currently leads a Sunday morning
Bible study at Immanuel Tates Creek.
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