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Do not lose sight of the fact that you were born “Gentiles,” known by those whose bodies were
circumcised as “the uncircumcised.” You were without Christ, you were utter strangers to God’s
chosen community, the Jews, and you had no knowledge of, or right to, the promised agreements.
You had nothing to look forward to and no God to whom you could turn. (Ephesians 2:11-12 Phillips)
The word Gentile tells us not who they are, but who they are not. Basically, a Gentile was one who was
not of the Jewish heritage. The Gentiles of Paul’s day had a problem – a problem of alienation. For a
Jewish woman to help a Gentile woman give birth was considered despicable – because she was helping
bring another Gentile into the world. Even to go into a Gentile house rendered a Jew unclean. You’ll
remember that even Jesus was criticized for associating with Gentiles.
William Hendriksen, a writer of Bible commentaries, stated the condition of the Gentiles quite
succinctly: they were Christless, stateless, friendless, helpless, and hopeless.
1 – They were Christless: They were living apart from Christ. They worshiped lots of different gods, but
not the one true God. They had no understanding about the joy of life WITH Christ. They spent their
time trying not to anger their many gods.
2 – They were stateless: They were not a part of God’s chosen community. They were excluded from
those who knew they were a people set apart for God’s purposes.
3 – They were friendless: They were strangers with no bond of faith. They were shunned and looked
down upon by the Jews, especially the Jewish authorities, who considered them unclean.
4 – They were helpless: There was no God to whom they could turn. The many gods they worshipped
were unresponsive to their needs. They did not know there was a God who actually loved them, One
who could hear and respond to them.
5 – They were hopeless: They had nothing to look forward to. They believed that once a person died,
that was the end of it all. They didn’t know that Heaven awaits those who are in Christ. They had no
concept of eternity, no knowledge of God’s promises.
So there! That’s the Gentile problem. However, if you’ll revisit the Gentile problem, you’ll probably
notice that their problem was OUR problem before Christ came into our lives.
Father, thank You for giving us Your Son, Jesus Christ, who took us from a life far from You – and brought
us into a new life in Him. Amen.
By Judy Shrout
Judy is the wife of Tom, mother of Heather, mother-in-law of Jim, grandmom to T.J., Ainsley, and
Maggie, and grandmother-in-law to Piper.
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