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This week’s theme is “Jesus Teaches.”
I don’t mean to brag, but I might have once prepared the best bowl of oatmeal of all time. Not only was
it perfectly cooked, but it had just the right amount of butter and sugar to take the edge off the
healthiness. And on top of that, it was the perfect portion size for me on that day. (Maybe the fact that I
was hungry and had been outside on a cold morning contributed to my enjoyment).
The complication is that I improvised the ratio of oatmeal, milk, and cooking time in between serving
instructions on the box/bucket/barrel. I didn’t pay attention to the preparations because I had no idea it
was going to be a work of art, and I’ve been chasing that perfection ever since. I am not joking when I
say that right now there is an oatmeal drum/pail/canister in our cabinet with ink pen scrawled on it
where I’m homing in on the precise mix of oats, milk, and cooking time. When we get a new canister, I
transfer the latest ratios onto it and keep going. Don Quixote tilted at windmills; I pursue oat perfection.
The lesson I take from this is that if one has something valuable and loses it, peace is fleeting until that
thing is found.
Or what woman who has 10 silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house,
and search carefully until she finds it? When she finds it, she calls her women friends and neighbors
together, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, because I have found the silver coin I lost!’ I tell you, in the same
way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents. (Luke 15:8-10 HCSB)
Usually when I read this parable, I focus on Jesus teaching the Pharisees (and of course us) why we
shouldn’t shun those outside our faith traditions but should instead engage with them. If angels
celebrate over the sinner who repents, we should do our part to make that happen. But notice this
parable does not say there is joy for “one sinner who repents for the very first time.” It says, “over one
sinner who repents.”
Are you a sinner? I am. Have you done or said or thought something recently for which you need
forgiveness? I have.
God, please forgive us. And enjoy the angel celebration.
By Mark Stuart
Mark is the husband of Laura, father of Shelby and Jacob, and father-in-law of Bailey.
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