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“My name will be great among the nations, from the rising of the sun to its setting. Incense and pure
offerings will be presented in my name in every place because my name will be great among the
nations,“ says the Lord of Armies. (Malachi 1:11)
This week we’ve looked at a very challenging section of the Old Testament - a section of text where God
makes it very clear that He is unhappy with the quality of worship among His people. He is sick of all the
leftovers! The sub-par sacrifices are a reflection of the condition of Israel’s heart for God as their Father
and Lord. To make matters even more concerning is the fact that this is the last thing that God says to
His people for over 400 years. Literally, this is the last book of the Old Testament! Imagine being among
the people of Israel and hearing the prophetic voice of God say to your spiritual leaders, “Close the
doors of the church!” -- followed by four centuries of silence. Crickets! Nothing more!
As frightening as that may be, the prophet Malachi ends this section of the text with a promise from
God. The Lord promises that His name will be great throughout the world: “My name will be great
among the nations…” The phrase “from the rising of the sun to its setting” which follows, is a common
biblical phrase that alludes to future events. This prophetic promise is a foreshadowing of the ministry
of Jesus and the expansion of the Gospel throughout the world which we have witnessed for the past
2000 years. But here is the real question: is the name of God “great” in your home, in your heart and
throughout your life?
From your rising of the sun to its setting each day in your normal, everyday life, is God honored as your
Father and respected as your Lord? Do you give Him the first fruits of your day each morning, do you
spend time in His Word and in prayer before heading out for the day? Is your affection warm and your
worship pure, or are you simply going through the motions and giving God whatever is left over from
your busy work week? Your heavenly Father loves you so much that He gave you His very best. He gave
you His pure and perfect lamb who was sacrificed on the cross to cover all past, present, and future sins.
When we invite Jesus into our lives, His Spirit begins to transform our hearts; enabling us to wake up
each new day and give God our very best. No more leftovers!
By Jimmy Carter
Jimmy serves as the Ministries Pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church. He is married to Carrie, his treasured
wife of 24 years, and they have one beloved daughter named Christy Ann “C.A.” who is a Senior at LCA
and will attend UK and play golf for the Wildcats next Fall.
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