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And it came to pass at midnight, that the man was afraid, and turned himself; and, behold, a woman
lay at his feet. And he said, Who art thou? And she answered, I am Ruth thy handmaid: spread
therefore thy skirt over thy handmaid; for thou art a near kinsman. And he said, Blessed be thou of
Jehovah, my daughter: thou hast showed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning,
inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich. And now, my daughter, fear not; I
will do to thee all that thou sayest; for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a worthy
woman. And now it is true that I am a near kinsman; howbeit there is a kinsman nearer than I.
(Ruth 3:8-12 ASV)
Boaz awoke from sleep to find Ruth lying at his feet as she had been instructed by her mother-in-law,
Naomi. It is here that Ruth identified herself as his handmaid and asked for his covering. She is
proposing that he marry her. This practice is consistent with the customs surrounding the practice of the
levirate marriage, where a childless widow would make a claim on her deceased husband’s brother. In
the case of the levirate marriage the brother was obligated to take the widow as his wife, or else face
public humiliation and dishonor amongst the Israelites (Deuteronomy 25:7-10).
While Boaz was a kinsman of Ruth and Naomi, he was not a brother of Ruth’s deceased husband; so, he
was not bound by the law of Deuteronomy 25 to marry Ruth. Boaz’s decision to marry Ruth and fulfill
the rights of a kinsman-redeemer was a free choice, an expression of favor, even an act of grace shown
to Ruth. Boaz’s actions were a choice to redeem every area of Ruth’s life. Actions which would give her
hope and a future. Actions that would allow her to experience peace in all areas of her life.
Boaz is a picture for us of The Redeemer who would one day come from Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). This
One born of the house of David (the great grandson of Boaz and Ruth) would arise to pay the price for
our redemption and extend to us His gifts of grace and peace.
By Jesse Smith
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