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Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. (James 4:8a ESV)
The indoor hydroponic gardening system is a sight to behold! Last Christmas, that was the gift I joyfully
presented to my wife. We both love it so much that indoor gardening has now become a part of our
household. The machine comes with a built-in LED light above the planting area; however, we have
placed it on a windowsill to occasionally harness the natural light from the sun. It is intriguing to watch
the plants tilt towards the sun during the day or stand up straight towards the LED lights when turned
on, and not utilizing the sun.
Watching this phenomenon unravel right before our eyes presents a spiritual connotation that I would
be remiss not to share. To use an analogy here, I believe we believers are the plants, God is the sun, and
the LED light could be anything but God. In James 4:8a, scripture compels us to draw near to God, and
he will draw near to us.
Our very essence of life is found not in ourselves, but in God! Just as the plants derive their light and
growth from the sun, we also need to harness our spiritual growth from our Creator. Apostle Paul made
a profound statement in his speech to the men of Athens in Acts 17:22-33. He stated in verse 28, for in
him we live and move and have our being. Understanding this as Christ followers is key in our faith
journey, providing purpose and a divine perspective on our lives here on earth.
We are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14a) only when we draw our source of light from Jesus, who is
The Light of the world (John 8:12). Apart from Jesus, we live in darkness and our growth is stunted. Life
can be wonderful on earth, but not fully complete without Jesus. We are all created to crave the
Creator, our Father; and only through a relationship with our Savior Jesus can the dark parts of our
hearts brighten. As our indoor plants naturally tilt to the rays of the sun beaming on them, so must we,
with clear conscience, incline our hearts to the brightness of our loving Father.
This summer, when you feel the sun’s radiant heat and brightness, may you be reminded of the
embodiment of all life, which is in Christ Jesus alone!
By George Donkor
George and his wife, Christiana, are proud parents of Annajoy and Elijah. They love serving Jesus
together and showing Him to the world around them.
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