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Tucked away in the story of Paul’s journey to Jerusalem and ALL of his sentencing trials and jail
time, is a short story that takes place when Paul makes it to Rome:
When we arrived at Jerusalem, the brothers and sisters received us warmly. The next day
Paul and the rest of us went to see James, and all the elders were present. Paul greeted
them and reported in detail what God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry.
When they heard this, they praised God. Then they said to Paul: “You see, brother, how
many thousands of Jews have believed, and all of them are zealous for the law. They
have been informed that you teach all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to turn away
from Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or live according to our
customs. What shall we do? They will certainly hear that you have come, so do what we
tell you. There are four men with us who have made a vow. Take these men, join in their
purification rites and pay their expenses, so that they can have their heads shaved. Then
everyone will know there is no truth in these reports about you, but that you yourself are
living in obedience to the law.”
The next day Paul took the men and purified himself along with them. (Acts 21:17- 24, 26 NIV).
Paul completed his missionary journey; and, instead of going to the local church to brag, he
presented himself and his work to the elders of the church. He was not proud; he was humble.
He did not see himself as the greatest; he saw himself as a servant.
When the leaders told him there was a misunderstanding about his ministry and how he could
fix it, Paul did not argue. He didn’t say that he was a tentmaker and couldn’t afford to pay the
purification expenses for himself and the others. He listened and followed their advice.
It’s easy to become proud. It’s easy to think we have all the answers. It’s easy to compare
ourselves to others and think we have done more for God than others.
However, we need to follow the example of Paul. We need to humble ourselves to the
leadership of the church. We need to err on the side of reconciliation. We need to remember
that it is God working in and through us.
Today, humble yourself before the leadership of Christ. Ask the Lord to show you where you
may have wronged others and seek His guidance in fixing it.
By LaRaine Rice
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