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A fourth angel surrounding the events of the nativity appeared just after the birth of the Messiah.
On an ordinary night in an ordinary place with ordinary people doing their ordinary work – that’s when the unexpected happened! An angel appeared to a bunch of shepherds! (Luke 2:8)
And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.
(Luke 2:9) The shepherds didn’t have time to wonder what was happening – because of the blinding glory of the Lord, they knew they were in the presence of an angel.
Once again, an unnamed angel spoke the words,
“Do not be afraid…” (Luke 2:10) and then proceeded to share with the shepherds the good news of the birth of Christ.
Just as those words were sinking in, the angel was joined by a
multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:13)
I know you’re familiar with the Christmas song we sing each year – Hark the Herald Angels Sing. But did you notice something in Luke 2 – something I totally missed? The heavenly host were not SINGING their praises of God! They were SAYING their praises:
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
The first angel arrived with a message of good news, but the
vast host of the armies of heaven (Luke 2:13 Philips) came with another purpose: worship! The sound of the strong voices of the armies of heaven must have been earth-rattling!
Some theologians have argued that angels don’t sing; it is God’s people that make the music, not the angels. They contend that it takes a saved soul to sing. Others suggest that angels most certainly do sing – but it’s the celestial music of heaven.
Whether the angels can or cannot sing is unimportant; but on this occasion the armies of heaven were speaking their praises – and they were speaking their praises to God not so the shepherds would hear, but so God would hear! The worship was loud, and it was contagious! The shepherds began to glorify and praise God too! This glorious praise of God’s angels and His shepherds was a pleasing aroma wafting through the heavenlies right to the throne room of God.
As we celebrate this Christmas season, let’s make sure the words of our mouth and the song of our heart are all about the worship of the One who took on flesh, lived among us, and gave His life so we might have life eternal. Perhaps your words or your song just might be contagious too!
By Judy Shrout
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