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Recently, as I was going through the nightly routine of getting our little boy ready for bed, he tried to convince me to spend extra time with him in his room. In my plan to escape, I jokingly mentioned that his best friend from school was coming over to be with him. Without much hesitation, a little expression of late-night excitement lit up his bright eyes, and he exclaimed, “For real?!” (Of course, it wasn’t “for real,” but we both burst into hilarious laughter!)
As I reflected on that moment, I began to ponder about how believers perceive the reality of the God we serve. How many times do we read scripture and think, “for real?” The God who parted the Red Sea (Exodus 14:19-31) is the same God who calmed the storm (Mark 4:35-41). He is also the same God who gives you breath right now as you read this devotion. We learn from the book of Hebrews that
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
As a believer in Christ, have you come to the strong conviction that you serve a Living God who is more than able to accomplish what He says He’ll do in your life? Have you transitioned from a head knowledge to a heart knowledge? In other words, have you moved from knowing about God to knowing God? Do you believe God is real in all aspects of your life or just in some portions of it? In three of the four gospels, Jesus posed a simple question to his inner circle,
“Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15, Mark 8:29, Luke 9:20).
Today God is asking you a similar question: “How real am I to you?” Do you believe He is real enough to heal that cancer diagnosis? (He healed the 10 lepers from afar – Luke 17:12-19.) Is He real enough to heal that marriage? (He told Joseph not to call off the marriage – Matthew 1:18-25.) And is He real enough to mend the heart of that problem child? (He tugged on the prodigal son’s heart – Luke 15:11-31.) Know that the God of yesterday is the God of today. You can trust him fully!
Friends, in our walk with the Lord, let us not read scripture as a tradition passed on to us or as an ordinary non-fiction book. Rather let the Holy-Spirit-inspired words of a real God come alive to you. It is the inerrant, infallible word of our God, and in the words of my son… “for real!” May I encourage you to play the song,
Same God, on repeat as you meditate on this devotion. He is God… for real!
By George Donkor
George and his wife, Christiana, are proud parents of Annajoy and Elijah. They love serving Jesus together and showing Him to the world around them.
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