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Today let’s imagine the attitude of a praying church. And if you’re curious about what kind of
attitude that might be, here is a huge clue from God’s Word:
Adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not
consider equality with God as something to be exploited. Instead he emptied himself by
assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity. And when he had
come as a man, he humbled himself… (Philippians 2:5-8)
You may look at this verse and think, “There is absolutely no way that I can have the mind or
attitude of Christ!” Well, I agree. There is no way any of us can have the mind of Christ unless
we have invited Him into our hearts and into our MINDS! So, my suggestion is: let’s invite Him
into our minds.
How do we live that out – having the mind of Christ? The Scripture above gives us some
pointers about having the same attitude as Christ:
1 – He did not exploit His position. He could have prefaced every challenge by saying, “Do you
not realize who My Father is?” or “You may think you’re the king, but I’ve got news for you!” He
didn’t do that. Praying people in the praying church are not impressed by their positions of
responsibility. Those in authority who have the mind of Christ will not be exploiting their
positions of authority.
2 – Not only did Jesus not exploit His position, He went further still – He assumed the form of a
servant. Some in our modern culture might consider some tasks “beneath them.” If we are
operating with a Christ-like attitude, we do whatever is needed in the circumstance – even if that
means picking up a piece of trash someone dropped in the church hallway.
3 – He humbled Himself – this type of humbling does not imply belittling oneself. Instead, it
means esteeming others and valuing others above yourself. The believer operating with the
mind of Christ thinks of others first – their needs, their hurts, their hearts.
Father, please help our heart’s desire to be having in us the attitude of Christ – setting our
hearts and minds on things that are above – things that have kingdom importance – not
distracted by the trivial or inconvenient. I pray that we will each take our place in the body of
Christ with a servant heart and a humble spirit – valuing and affirming others as they do the
same. This I pray in the name of the One whose mind I want in my praying church . . . and in
me. Amen
By Judy Shrout
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