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This week we’re discussing The Pentecost from Acts 2.
As evidenced by the words I’m about to use, I’m not always “hip” to the latest “jive.” In fact, and I
should be clear that I’m not proud of this, the more people I hear raving about some new trend
the less likely I am to try it. But every now and then my curiosity gets the best of me, and today I
am here to confess that one recent trend has not only piqued my interest, but led to
experimentation, and now I am a full-on enthusiast.
I am all in on avocado toast (or in my case, the toasted wheat bagel with avocado - and a little
salt and pepper).
I’ve consumed hundreds of plain white bagels with cream cheese but concerns about my
cholesterol coupled with people mocking millennials for liking avocado toast, led me to give this
delicacy a try. The lesson is: if I would just be more receptive, there are all kinds of new things
that could be good for me. Peter Brady taught me long ago that when it’s time to change you’ve
got to re-arrange, but still decades later I resist even the smallest change without considering its
potential benefits.
And then there are the changes that turn human history:
When the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a
sound like that of a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house
where they were staying. (Acts 2:1-2 HCSB)
With the Holy Spirit’s arrival, mankind’s relationship with God changed forever. Previously God
had spoken to some, revealing His truth, promises and prophecies. Then He came to live
among us as Jesus, directly teaching and demonstrating how to live and love and treat one
another, ultimately dying to save us. And He returned as the Holy Spirit to live embedded within
each of us, always available to teach, inspire, counsel and guide.
If I can learn to not just tolerate but truly love a healthier breakfast choice, how much more could
I benefit from being open to the changes being suggested within me by the Holy Spirit? Could I
not just merely tolerate but love people with whom I disagree? Could I love using my abilities to
earn a living? Could I love giving financially? Could I love being stretched in serving outside of
my comfort zone?
So, I managed to pull off a positive change at the breakfast table. Good for me. Holy Spirit,
what’s next?
By Mark Stuart
Mark is the husband of Laura, father of Shelby and Jacob, and father-in-law of Bailey.
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