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If the president, governor, or mayor called and asked for your opinion on which action he should
take concerning a pressing matter of concern, who would not want to share their opinion? If we
believe we have no influence, we can become apathetic and passive; but if we know our
concerns are being taken seriously by those who can change things, we can become
passionately concerned.
In the same way, our attitude towards the effectiveness of our prayers affects how we pray. If
we know God loves His people perfectly, that He wants us to share our lives and all our
concerns with Him, and that He will listen and respond in the way He knows is best, we should
be anxious to approach Him in prayer.
As Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego boldly told the king who had the power to throw them in
the fiery furnace that would lead to certain death,
“If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it,
and He will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if He does not, we want you to
know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set
up.” (Daniel 3:16-18)
They were willing to risk their lives to bring glory and honor to God through their obedience to
Him. The king even gave them an opportunity to change their minds to save themselves from
seemingly certain destruction, but they stood steadfast in their trust that God was ready, willing,
and able to deliver them from the king’s fury.
How bold are your prayers? Are you trusting in God to do what seems impossible to you? There
are countless times in the Scripture when God chooses to act precisely when the circumstances
seem hopeless and impossible. I believe Jesus healed the man who was born blind because no
one had ever witnessed a healing like that before. Jesus intentionally waited until Lazarus had
been in the tomb four days before He commanded him to rise from the dead. Wasn’t Jesus
proving the point that He could do what no one else could do? So, when you pray boldly, expect
bold results and give Him thanks.
God has not changed. Even today, God is ready, willing, and able to deliver His people through
the adversities of life. Although He may not deliver you from your trial, He most certainly will be
with you through the trial. When we boldly pray for God’s help, we can be assured that the
results will ultimately be for our good and for God’s glory. What more can we ask?
By Jim Connell
Jim is the founder and retired director of Lexington Rescue Mission and author of,, and Creator of FAQs of Faith (mobile app).
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