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In our visit around Matthew’s table, we’ve seen the Pharisees attempt to display their superior
righteousness in their huffy questioning of Jesus – clueless that the Messiah was in their midst.
Rather than give them a pop quiz, Jesus wanted to help them understand (if they had ears to hear), so
He told three quick parables – the first of which is our Scripture for today. When we first encounter this
parable, we might think it has been randomly (and perhaps oddly) inserted in the midst of Matthew’s
party, but that is NOT the case. Its placement is intentional.
Then He spoke a parable to them: “No one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one; otherwise
the new makes a tear and also the piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old.” (Luke
If you’ve ever played with different fabrics and aging fabrics, you understand the literal meaning of the
words. But, as you know, one of Jesus’ favorite teaching methods was to tell simple stories to illustrate a
deeper meaning.
This short parable emphasized the newness of the Gospel – the new garment. In rather simple language,
He pointed out that we are not to “patch in” a little bit of Jesus to complete our faith story – as an “add-
on” to the traditions of the past.
Jesus is in no way saying that the Old Testament is the old garment. In fact, He explained that He did not
come to abolish the law but to complete it (Matthew 4:17). Instead, the old garment is the tradition of
legalistic Judaism with its abundance of man-made rules that detracted from the heart of the law of
The old garment was characterized by self-righteousness, rituals, outward obedience to the law, and a
heart seeking the esteem of man. The new garment embodied repentance, humility, and a heart seeking
the approval of God.
Jesus did not come to “patch up” the rabbinical traditions of Judaism – or to patch His principles into
their ingrained systems and rituals. He came that we might live in “newness of life” (Romans 6:4) –
wearing the new garment of “His righteousness alone.”
In today’s culture, people often like to pick and choose pieces of various religions to make a collage of
their belief system – a patchwork – the very problem Jesus was addressing. The old garment based on
good works and dependent on our perfect obedience has now been replaced by the garment of
salvation through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Let’s not get distracted!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has
come. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
By Judy Shrout
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