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One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself
at Jesus’ feet and thanked him – and he was a Samaritan. (Luke 17:15-16 NIV)
In the Bible story of the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19), we learn that ten lepers wanted to be healed. As
Jesus was traveling to Jerusalem, they saw Jesus, stood at a distance and yelled out, “Jesus, Master,
have pity on us.” Jesus had compassion on them and instructed them to go show themselves to the
priests. It was during their trek to go present themselves that they were miraculously healed. Nine of
them kept going, whether they realized they were healed or not; but one grateful man returned, threw
himself at Jesus’ feet, and thanked Him.
The story continues by Jesus questioning the whereabouts of the other nine healed men: “Were not all
ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this
foreigner?” (vv. 17-18). Jesus’ question presents a profound virtue that I believe all Christ followers
must hold true – a heart of thanksgiving and praise! Scripture is filled with verses that admonish us to
give praise and thanks unto our Maker. The psalmist writes, Let everything that has breath [including
us] praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6). The Old Testament chronicler teaches us to Give thanks to GOD, he is
good, and his love never quits (1 Chronicles 16:34 MSG).
As you reflect on the events of this year, I am certain some things have occurred in your life that should
compel you to give glory and praise to God. Even if no significant things have happened, the fact that
you have the breath of life and are reading this devotion calls for utter praise unto God. Luke reminds
us: For in him [Christ] we live and move and have our being [Acts 17:28a]. Our very essence of life is
dependent on Jesus, and that calls for a daily habit of thanksgiving. God expects us to pour out our
hearts in praise when we become fully aware of what He has done and continues to do. In everything
give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
Every day of our lives should be a day of thanksgiving; and so, as we gradually inch towards this season
of Thanksgiving, I encourage you to reflect on the grace and goodness of our God in your life. Let this
season be a culmination, if you will, of all your ‘giving thanks’ throughout the year. May you not be
among the nine, but be the one who returns.
By George Donkor
George and his wife, Christiana, are proud parents of Annajoy and Elijah. They love serving Jesus
together and showing Him to the world around them.
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